My name is Judy from Philippines, this experience is one of the best that I had. I am very lucky to have a great masters in my yoga practice, Dr Jitendra Das, Prem, Simon, Dr Sumit and Sonu. I m very proud being one of their students. I find peace in this place of Rishikesh. I love the food and I wish to come back again.


PHILIPPINES | 15-11-2019

I ma Yanny from Philippines, Manila, I spend wonderful 3 weeks here at Patanjali Yoga Foundation Rishikesh India. Its my first time to attained a personal yoga training and I would say, I gained as much from spending time with such wonderful people from the opportunity to be here and be part of my life and their too. This part of my life was immeasurably in unusel ways and it felt much more meaningful specially when sharing the days with my yoga masters. Salute and great respect to my Teachers Dr Jitendra Das, Simon and Dr Sumit, Mr Prem and Sonu. You all fill the classes with knowledge, skills and passion.
My gratitude for all your patience, kindness and love. May peace and happiness be with you always.


PHILIPPINES | 30-10-2019