15 Best Health Benefits of Dhanu Asana the bow pose Rishikesh India

February 25, 2019200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, Asana, Ayurveda, Blog, Patanjali Yoga Foundation Blog, Yoga, Yoga Meditation

DHANURASAN: Dhanu is sanskrit word meaning is “Bow” and asana is indicate “pose”. Its full name is “Bow pose”. Here in this pose abdomen and thighs are re-presenting the wooden part of the wow and whereas legs lower and arms representing bow strings. How to get in the pose: 1. Lie down on the mat … Read More

Veerbhadraasana : The Warier Position

October 8, 2018Asana, Patanjali Yoga Foundation Blog

VEERBHADRAASANA : is a fearsome form of the god Shiva. He was created by the wrath of Shiva and destroyed the Yagna (fire sacrifice) of Daksha, after Daksha’s daughter and Shiva’s consort Sati self-immolated in the sacrificial fire. He is described as a warrior who eventually blinded Bhaga, subdued Indra and broke, among many other … Read More